Asher's Occupational Therapy Assessment Tools: An Annotated Index

  • ISBN 9781569003534
  • Author: Asher, Ina Elfant
  • Publ Date: 2014-09-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Nearly 600 instruments are reviewed in this new edition of occupational therapy's classic publication, including many developed by occupational therapists. An international team of academicians, clinicians, researchers, and advanced-degree candidates working in various practice arenas collaborated on this update. The assessment profiles-which include title, authors, format, purpose, population, time required to administer, setting or position, materials or tools, brief description, interpretation, reliability and validity, source, additional references, cost, and sample-will be useful to clinicians and students, who must choose appropriate tools for clinical practice; to educators, who select assessment procedures for the classroom; and to researchers, who will find instruments that are designed for research purposes or will benefit from further investigation. This edition includes a matrix of all assessments, showing content areas and age ranges of each instrument.
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