Antiracist Occupational Therapy: Unsettling the Status Quo

  • ISBN 9781839975745
  • Author: Ahmed-Landeryou, Musharrat J.
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-19
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Social justice, inclusion, and person-centredness are the cornerstones of occupational therapy but despite this, the experiences and inequities faced by Black and minoritised populations in health and social care often go unseen and unattended in occupational therapy practice.

This timely book provides a compendium of global insights into the inequities faced by Black and minoritised groups in health and social care and considers how key changes in occupational therapy practice and education can redress disparities. Each contributor is active in the occupational therapy community and is incredibly well placed to provide guidance and practical suggestions on how to create sustainable, antiracist practice and disrupt the current status quo.

Invaluable to occupational therapy professional bodies, academics, and students alike, this expansive collection of voices is essential reading for those looking to redress the imbalance of power caused by racism.
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