Breast Disease Management

  • ISBN 9780199215065
  • Author: HARVEY
  • Publ Date: 2013-11-12
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Breast cancer affects 1 in 10 women and the majority of UK women will attend a breast clinic at least once during their lives. The patient's journey through assessment and management is one that involves a huge range of healthcare professionals, in which the truly multidisciplinary management style required has previously been only sparsely addressed. This book provides a practical guide on how to investigate and manage common breast problems for all members of the breast disease team, whether surgeons, nurses, pathologists or support workers. Its focus is on providing easy access to the most up-to-date evidence, allowing healthcare workers to make the best decisions possible and encouraging a team approach to patient support.
26 chapters cover the whole of the patient journey from assessment through to surgery and adjuvant treatments, giving a practical overview of the whole process of care. The coverage guides the reader from clinical examination and investigation of the breast patient to pre-operative workup and post-operative complication guidance. To enable swift and effective decision-making, clear management plans are provided for common breast problems. The book also includes the latest evidence, guidance and references on breast disease, together with discussions on current controversies in the field including the management of margins, management of the axilla and the evidence surrounding the NHS Breast Screening Programme. To give practical advice on the realities of being part of a breast care team, the book also has several chapters devoted to leadership and management including MDT requirements, audit and research, avoiding complaints and the organisation of a breast unit.
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