Sickly Sweet: Sugar, Refined Carbohydrate, Addiction and Global Obesity

  • ISBN 9781613249345
  • Author: Simon Thornley
  • Publ Date: 2012-02-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Is there evidence for addiction to food? How strong is this evidence? If so, what element of food makes it addictive? Over the last forty years, our waistlines have continued to expand in nearly all countries, despite attempts to slim populations. Does this information shed any light on the seemingly insoluble obesity epidemic? This book explores a radical rethink in what has caused the global obesity epidemic. A consideration of which types of food are most likely to be responsible is presented, as well as an understanding of how human motivation and addiction may help us understand why people gain weight. Parallels with a range of other addiction syndromes to help uncover the elusive key to unlocking the obesity epidemic are considered.
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