• ISBN 9781305251403
  • Publ Date: 2015-01-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Discover the benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle with PRINCIPLES AND LABS FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS, 10th Edition! Emphasizing behavioral modification approaches, husband-and-wife fitness gurus Werner and Sharon Hoeger challenge you to improve your life with cardiovascular exercise, strength training, better nutrition, weight management, and overall wellness. Thoughtfully written with a variety of learning features, PRINCIPLES AND LABS FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS, 10th Edition guides you toward adopting healthy behaviors with 'My Profile' and 'Behavior Modification Planning' boxes, test-test questions, exercise videos, online labs, and other helpful tools. Whether you choose a traditional text or interactive eBook, the road to achieving and maintaining personal health and wellness goals has never been so easy to follow.
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