Eureka: Neurology & Neurosurgery, second edition

  • ISBN 9781914961465
  • Author: Collins, Dawn
  • Publ Date: 2024-09-14
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Eureka: Neurology & Neurosurgery 2e provides everything a student needs to succeed in the subject, prepare for their clinical placements and pass their exams.

The book starts with a First principles chapter which clearly explains key concepts and the mechanisms of neurology, from cells and signalling to the autonomic nervous system, and on to special senses.
The next chapter describes neurological history-taking and examination.
Subsequent chapters cover the major neurological presentations such as increased intracranial pressure, headache and facial pain, seizures and epilepsy, neurovascular disease, neurological tumours and infections, movement disorders, and, neurodegenerative disorders.
The book concludes with chapters on neurological emergencies and the integrated care of patients with neurological problems.

Key features:

an engaging and authoritative style - with everything you need in one place, including the latest management options
realistic clinical cases - these show how skilled clinicians work through a presentation, and put disease and biomedical principles into context
extensive range of photographs - superb photos show clinical presentations using all imaging modalities and exactly how to demonstrate related clinical signs
starter questions - stimulating questions and answers to test your knowledge and highlight the level of detail you need
study boxes - these highlight tips, tricks and key learning points

Featuring insightful clinical cases, extensive photographs, self-assessment questions and answers, and a wealth of other learning tools, Eureka: Neurology & Neurosurgery 2e will equip you with the core knowledge and skills you need for your exams and clinical placements!
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