• ISBN 9780865429093
  • Author: John A. Spillane
  • Publ Date: 1995-12-11
  • Edition: 6
  • Binding: Hardback

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When teaching neurology to postgraduates the authors found that whilst most students have a good general idea of the different parts of the neurological examination, they are uncertain of the best methods of carrying out the various tests, of the purpose that lies behind them, the true meaning of abnormal findings, how to overcome technical difficulties and avoid arriving at false conclusions. This book is intended to present in detail those methods which have stood the test of time and to select from the newer methods those which are rapidly proving their value. It is not in any sense a textbook of neurology, nor is it a guide to neurological diagnosis. It will however provide the reader to become sufficiently conversant with the technique of examination to be able to approach a neurological case with that confidence which is so often lacking. In the Sixth Edition of this deservedly popular book, the general layout and structure of the chapters has been retained.
One chapter has been added on general medical investigation and the chapter on neuroradiology and imaging has been thoroughly rewritten and greatly expanded to take account of the vast technical and theoretical advances in this field, particularly in imaging techniques.
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