• ISBN 9780781767606
  • Author: ANDRADE
  • Publ Date: 2008-01-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Comprehensive text provides a wealth of basic and advanced information on the theory and manual technique of massage. Written for physical therapists, massage therapists and occupational therapists, this text introduces an evidence-based clinical reasoning process for incorporating massage into therapeutic practice. Based on outcome measurement, techniques, and current models of disablement, this "Guide to Physical Therapist Practice." Readers are instructed how to identify impairments, select and apply appropriate massage techniques, and integrate massage with other treatments. The book integrates a wide variety of techniques into a single problem-solving format consistent with the APTA's "Guide to Physical Therapist Practice," and features superb photographic illustrations, boxes, charts, figures, and clinical examples.
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