Clinical Hypnosis for Pain Control: A Comprehensive Approach to Management and Treatment

  • ISBN 9781433842016
  • Author: Patterson, David R.
  • Publ Date: 2024-11-12
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This comprehensive guide shows how integrating hypnosis with psychotherapy and mindful meditation can help clinicians treat patients who suffer from chronic and acute pain.

David R. Patterson and M. Elena Mendoza present hypnotic analgesia as a viable alternative to psychopharmacological interventions for pain resulting from physical injuries, nerve damage, surgery, neurological problems, and other sources. They review research elucidating the neurophysiological and biopsychosocial roots of pain and provide clinical strategies that can be applied in a variety of settings.

Patterson and Mendoza adopt a nuanced treatment model that deemphasizes pain reduction, which can be counterproductive, and focuses instead on adaptive pain management through cognitive restructuring.

This second edition includes updated research findings and practice guidelines, including technological innovations like virtual reality hypnosis, and a new chapter on mindful meditation. The authors also add a step-by-step case example that walks readers through an integrative, eight-session process and brings the techniques described in this volume to life.
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