Transfusion Medicine 4th edition

  • ISBN 9781119236542
  • Author: McCullough, Jeffrey
  • Publ Date: 2016-11-18
  • Edition: 4
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $133.05
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Transfusion Medicine provides a concise, clinically focused and practical approach to the field of blood banking and transfusion therapy written by international expert, Jeffrey McCullough MD.

Concise, approachable, yet comprehensive approach to the field of transfusion medicine and blood banking

Offers extensive guidance on important topics such as; donor recruitment, blood collection and storage, donor testing and clinical uses of blood components, techniques of administration of blood components, complications of transfusion, transmissible diseases, the HLA system, and many more

Provides new content on patient blood management systems, the changing indications for red cell transfusion, new transmissible disease agents, management of massive blood loss, pathogen reduced blood components, therapeutic apheresis including photopheresis, management of massive transfusion and new cellular therapies.

Discusses global blood supply and US blood supply organizations and their consolidation and reorganization

Reviews other topics of current interest, such as mitigation strategies for TRALI prevention, effects of storage of blood on adverse effects, management of massive blood loss and massive transfusion protocols pathogen inactivation, and granulocyte transfusion

Extensively referenced for further study
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