Total Engagement: Activities for Growth and Expression in Older Adults

  • ISBN 9781938870941
  • Author: Atwood, Pamela
  • Publ Date: 2020-11-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Total Engagement presents activity ideas for encouraging exploration and self-expression in older adults experiencing varying degrees of limitation in mental or physical performance. Its goal is to present engaging activities that respect and celebrate each person's lifelong knowledge and experiences. It emphasizes the creative arts - dance, drama, music, and visual arts - as a pathway for mental and physical growth, self-discovery, and self-expression.

Total Engagement emphasizes that adults need to be engaged with the self, the environment, and with social networks for general well-being. Activity professionals and nonprofessionals can facilitate these multi-sensory, holistic activities to promote physical, psychosocial, and cognitive well-being in a wide range of older adults who may be struggling with disengagement due to losses from aging.
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