Fast Facts for the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

  • ISBN 9780826152046
  • Author: Carpenter, Dawn
  • Publ Date: 2021-12-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This quick-access orientation guide-the only one written by experienced acute care nurses-delivers all the information new AG-ACNP practitioners and students need for skilled clinical practice across the adult lifespan. Organized with a clinical system-based approach, this resource puts vital information at your fingertips with succinct, easy-to-read bullet points, diagrams, and formulas. Tables highlight diagnostic criteria and compare/contrast similar disorders and treatments along with commonly used medications, dosages, and infusions.Designed to fit into a pocket for daily use, this book is based on critical care curriculum developed by the author over 25 years, along with the wisdom of experienced nurse contributors. It includes useful tips on medication dosing, ordering diagnostic tests, documentation, and billing, and provides clinical pearls for each body system. This pocket resource will be an invaluable companion for AG-ACNP students in clinical rotation, novice AG-ACNP graduates, and experienced nurses who are working with a new patient population.

Key Features:

Places vital information at your fingertips for easy information retrieval in a fast-paced environment
Organized in a clinical system-based approach
Provides quick-access tables, diagrams, and formulas, including risk calculators
Streamlines complex information into easily understandable language
Compares similar diagnostic criteria for accurate diagnoses in high-acuity settings
Includes evidence-based treatments for best practice and patient care
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