Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology 8th edition

  • ISBN 9780702061851
  • Author: Fillit, Howard M. (Executive Director, Institute f
  • Publ Date: 2016-07-13
  • Edition: 8
  • Binding: Hardback

Sale: $360.00
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The leading reference in the field of geriatric care, Brocklehurst's Textbook of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 8th Edition, by Drs. Howard M. Fillit, Kenneth Rockwood, and John B. Young, provides a contemporary, global perspective on topics of importance to today's gerontologists, internal medicine physicians, and family doctors. An increased focus on frailty, along with coverage of key issues in gerontology, disease-specific geriatrics, and complex syndromes specific to the elderly, makes this 8th Edition the reference you'll turn to in order to meet the unique challenges posed by this growing patient population.

Consistent discussions of clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and more make reference quick and easy.
More than 250 figures, including algorithms, photographs, and tables, complement the text and help you find what you need on a given condition.
Clinical relevance of the latest scientific findings helps you easily apply the material to everyday practice.

A new chapter on frailty, plus an emphasis on frailty throughout the book, addresses the complex medical and social issues that affect care, and the specific knowledge and skills essential for meeting your patients' complex needs.
New content brings you up to date with information on gerontechnology, emergency and pre-hospital care, HIV and aging, intensive treatment of older adults, telemedicine, the built environment, and transcultural geriatrics.
New editor Professor John Young brings a fresh perspective and unique expertise to this edition.
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