Functional Electrical Stimulation

  • ISBN 9780849345296
  • Author: Bajd, Tadej
  • Publ Date: 1989-01-31
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This reference text covers the fundamental knowledge and principles of functional electrical stimulation (FES) as applied to the spinal cord injured (SCI) patient. The principles of FES application and basic biomechanical issues related to FES in SCI are stressed. The fundamentals regarding patient selection criteria, indication, contraindications, and descriptions of procedures are clearly presented. Also included are the fundamentals and rationale of gait restoration with patient selection, control strategies, and the synthesis of gait sequences with trends in the field. Each chapter contains numerous references to the FES literature for the reader to easily evaluate and extend his knowledge in the area of interest. Biomedical and rehabilitation engineering professionals and researchers for medical doctors, physical therapists, and orthotists will find this publication invaluable.
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