Aesthetic Head and Neck Surgery

  • ISBN 9780071597715
  • Author: Samuel J. Lin
  • Publ Date: 2013-06-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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A FULL-COLOR, STEP-BY-STEP ATLAS OF AESTHETIC HEAD AND NECK SURGERY TECHNIQUESAesthetic Head and Neck Surgery is an unmatched visual guide to learning how to successfully perform these challenging procedures. Specific surgical procedures areillustrated step-by-step to help you fully understand the principles and techniques for optimizing outcomes in your patients. Designed to provide the most relevant informationin the clearest manner possible, Aesthetic Head and Neck Surgery features an easy-to-apply presentation that blends concise text and high-quality illustrations. Instruction for each procedure includes positioning, indications, markings, approach, postoperative management, pitfalls, and tips.

Opening chapters include coverage of forehead, eyelid, nasal, midface, and eyebrow anatomy; perioperative evaluation; and anesthesia. The primary focus of the book is to teach key procedures in aesthetic head and necksurgery, including:

Neck Lift
Chin augmentation
Perioral, midface, and forehead rejuvenation
Facial fillers and chemical peels
Hair transplantation
Fat grafting
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