Procedural Pediatric Dermatology

  • ISBN 9781975112448
  • Author: Krakowski
  • Publ Date: 2020-10-12
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Many factors contribute to the challenge of performing dermatologic procedures in children including the use of different instruments, skin differences, patient and parental anxiety, pain management and anesthesia, and the need to optimize outcomes over the lifetime of the patient. Procedural Pediatric Dermatology is a first-of-its-kind reference that provides thorough, step-by-step instruction for over 100 dermatological procedures specific to the pediatric population. Using a multidisciplinary, practical approach, this unique title equips today's clinicians to perform safe, effective care to children with guidelines and clinical pearls/tips for pre-, intra- and post-procedure strategies in addition to coding and insurance guidelines. - Covers over 100 common and uncommon pediatric dermatologic procedures in a convenient, structured, step-by-step format. - Presents clinical strategies and clinical tips (pearls) from practitioners currently performing these procedures in their practice with additional expertise of Andrew Krakowski and seven Associate Editors - Includes important core chapters: Ethics, Procedure/Surgical Room Set-up, Wound Care Management, Photoprotection, and Patient and Family Resources - Provides outstanding visual support with over 150 full-color illustrations and clinical photos of lesions and procedural techniques. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience - Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. - Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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