
  • ISBN 9781841848556
  • Author: Wilhelm, Klaus Peter
  • Publ Date: 2012-09-27
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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The foundational reference in dermal toxicology, this classic text has been completely revised to bring it up to date in the new Eighth Edition, with almost a third of its chapters being newly added. The structure of the text has also been reorganized to enable easier location of a topic of interest. With contributions from leading international experts, this continues the tradition of providing unsurpassed theoretical and practical guidance for all those working on research aspects, on practical clinical issues, and on the regulatory aspects of exposure to toxic substances.

This new edition contains updates to each chapter and contributions from leading international experts, provides an in-depth summary of research and regulatory applications related to dermal toxicology and pharmacology, presents many new chapters that describe the latest advances in dermatotoxicology, and addresses various levels of expertise regarding the development and use of dermal exposure data. New chapters include those on safety terminology, pharmacogenetics and dermatology, ethnic differences in skin properties, and the principles and practice of percutaneous absorption.
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