Essential Skills for Dentists

  • ISBN 9780198526193
  • Author: MOSSEY
  • Publ Date: 2006-09-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This book is directed primarily at undergraduate dental students and the newly-qualified dentist but it will also be of value to medical and dental educationalists. In its concept and content it is closely aligned to recent developments in dental education in the United Kingdom by reference to the General Dental Council's recommendations for the Undergraduate Dental Curriculum and the Quality Assurance Agency's Benchmark Statements for Dentistry. This facilitates
the description of Essential Skills for Dentists in the light of contemporary documentation, and the authors of the various chapters have been chosen on the basis of their clinical and educational
expertise within the dental establishments of Great Britain and Ireland. The book is divided into three main sections dealing with generic skills, discipline specific skills, and integrated skills respectively, thus enabling comprehensive coverage with cross-referencing as appropriate. The core function of the book is to facilitate learning and by clearly defining the learning outcomes, using checklists for in-course formative assessment of defined clinical competencies
and the use of mind maps to facilitate revision, the book aims to integrate the complementary relationship between learning and assessment. The topic-oriented layout of the book allows the graduate or
trainee to dip into specific topics or subjects on a stand-alone basis, and references and further reading are provided to facilitate exploration of the subject in greater detail if desired.
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