Dental Materials 4e

  • ISBN 9780323596589
  • Author: Bastin, Eakle
  • Publ Date: 2020-05-26
  • Edition: 4
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $119.70
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Stay up to date with the uses, properties, and handling of dental materials! With just the right level and scope of content, Dental Materials: Clinical Applications for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists, 4th Edition, emphasizes how knowledge of dental materials fits into day-to-day clinical practice. This hands-on resource features clinically focused content supplemented liberally with high-quality photographs, case applications, clinical tips and warnings, and step-by-step procedures, as well as practice opportunities on a companion website. A focus on application and strong art program with additional modern illustrations make this often-difficult subject matter approachable and relevant for today's dental team members.

A focus on clinical application - content presentation, tips and precautions, and case scenarios.
Art program with nearly 600 images, including a mixture of full-color conceptual renderings and clinical photographs.
Step-by-step procedures with artwork and icons.
Practice opportunities for classroom and board exam prep include chapter review questions and discussion topics and practice quizzes on Evolve.
Vocabulary practice - key terms called out in chapter and defined in glossary.
Robust student practice opportunities such as competency skill worksheets, and educator support materials.
An Evolve companion website with student practice opportunities and educator support materials.
Full-color presentation shows dental materials being used and applied.

NEW! Additional application criteria listings support optimal decision making.
NEW! Additional modern illustrations enhance comprehension of complex biomaterials concepts.
NEW! Evidence-based content on dynamic areas such as esthetics, ceramics, implants, and impressions.
IMPROVED! Test Bank with cognitive leveling based on Bloom's Taxonomy and mapping to National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) blueprint.
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