Control Subs Risk Mitigation Dent Set

  • ISBN 9780323761093
  • Author: Schatman,Kulich,Keith
  • Publ Date: 2020-05-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This issue of Dental Clinics of North America focuses on Controlled Substance Risk Mitigation in the Dental Setting and is edited by Drs. Michael Schatman, Ronald Kulich, and David Keith. Articles will include: Historical Overview of Dentistry's Role in Assessing and Managing the Complex Patient at Risk for Substance Misuse; Interviewing the Patient: Strategies to Identify Substance Use Disorders, Including Opioid Misuse and Abuse; Special Screening Resources: Strategies to Identify Substance Use Disorders, Including Opioid Misuse and Abuse; Managing Acute Dental Pain: Principles for Rational Prescribing and Alternatives to Opioid Therapy; Medical and Psychiatric Conditions Associated with Increased Controlled Substance Risk; Assessment and Management of the High-Risk Dental Patient with Active Substance Use Disorder; Brief Motivational Interventions (MI): Strategies for Successful Management of the Complex, Non-Adherent Dental Patient; Interprofessional Collaboration and referral with Physicians and Mental Health/Addiction Medicine Specialists; Special High-Risk Populations in Dentistry: The Adolescent Patient, the Elderly Patient, and the Woman of Childbearing Age; Management Liability Risks in the Patient with Controlled Substance Misuse, while Pursing Responsible Opioid Prescribing, and more!
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