Behavioral Neurology

  • ISBN 9780195137828
  • Author: PINCUS
  • Publ Date: 2002-11-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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This is a thorough revision of one of the landmark books in the field of neuropsychiatry. The authors, one a distinguished neurologist and the other an eminent psychiatrist, provide a clear, well-integrated account of the behavioral aspects of neurological conditions and the neurological aspects of psychiatric disorders. Earlier editions presented the view, the provocative, that disordered brain function underlies psychiatric illnesses. A more balanced view characterises the fourth edition, in whch the authors discuss the most recent data from the neurosciences and molecular biology, including changes in the brain induced by the environment and by emotions. There is also a valuable new clinical chapter on differentiating the etiologies of disturbed behaviour. Avoiding the deluge of information in multi-authored volumes, this very readable text provides a consistent approach to the understanding and diagnosis of disturbances of behaviour.
While the book is directed toward medical students, residents, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists and psychology students (particularly those taking abnormal psychology courses), it has also been used by a wide variety of health professionals and attorneys.
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