Echocardiography for the Neonatologist

  • ISBN 9780443054808
  • Author: Jonathan Skinner
  • Publ Date: 2000-04-26
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This book provides a highly practical atlas on the use of echocardiography by the neonatologist in the management of the neonate. Whilst recognising the limitations of the non-specialist in echocardiography, the lavish use of illustrations and practical advice will provide an excellent companion to those being trained in and applying this technique in the special care baby unit. Features: * Demonstrates how echocardiography can be used in the intensive care situation using clinical examples * Superb illustrations with full explanatory text and practical advice * Congenital heart defects, the commonest serious congenital defect seen in the neonatal unit, can be difficult to distinguish clinically from pulmonary abnormalities; echocardiography allows the differential diagnosis to be made
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