Clinical Arrhythmology

  • ISBN 9781119212751
  • Author: Luna, Antoni Bayes de
  • Publ Date: 2017-09-22
  • Edition: 2
  • Binding: Hardback

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The second edition of Clinical Arrhythmology provides a fresh, clear, and authoritative overview that will guide readers from a solid understanding of the mechanisms behind cardiac arrhythmias -- which is fundamental to their identification -- to diagnosis via electrocardiograms and other tools, to specific management options for each of the arrhythmias that cardiologists and other clinicians will encounter in clinical practice.

Organized in a clear, intuitive manner; introducing the reader to an understanding of the anatomical and electrophysiological bases of arrhythmias, then to a comprehensive review of how to diagnose the full range of rhythmic abnormalities, and then to a discussion of specific clinical syndromes in which arrhythmias play a part
Highly illustrated chapters ensure key concepts are simpler to understand
Detailed appendices provide quick reference values for diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and pharmacotherapeutic agents, and Recommendations
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