361 Classical Acupuncture Points, The: Names, Functions, Descriptions And Locations

  • ISBN 9789811201257
  • Author: Lightbody, Stuart T (The Halifax Clinic Of Natural
  • Publ Date: 2019-12-11
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This book provides detailed information on the 361 Classical Acupuncture Points in a concise and accurate format. It is an essential working textbook for all acupuncture students. It is also designed for use in the treatment room to enable the practitioner to quickly and confidently select the most effective point(s) for the patient in front of them.The format is such that on the left hand side are found the names, functions and descriptions of each point. On the right hand side corresponding to it is the needle depth, number of moxas, a description of how to locate the point together with crystal clear diagrams illustrating their location on the body. This format is unique. It can be utilised by practitioners and students from the various acupuncture traditions including TCM, Stems and Branches, The Five Elements and the Japanese and Korean schools.Related Link(s)
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