The Self and Perspective-Taking: Theory and Research from Contextual Behavioral Science and Applied Approaches

  • ISBN 9781572249950
  • Author: McHugh, Louise
  • Publ Date: 2012-01-05
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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The Self and Perspective-Taking presents the latest research findings and approaches to understanding how the human brain develops the concepts of self and other, how disruptions in this process can cause self-understanding deficits, and how these deficits can be overcome. Steven Hayes, Ruth Baer, and other leading researchers explain how humans develop a sense of self through language and perspective development or "perspective-taking". The articles in this book explore behavioral, developmental, social, cognitive, and neurophysiological approaches to understanding the self and perspective-taking. Readers learn how to use relational frame theory (RFT) to grasp the development of self-understanding and discover how this knowledge can improve clinicians' ability to improve self-understanding in others, especially in those with autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.
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