The Inner World of Medical Students

  • ISBN 9781857757521
  • Author: Shapiro, Johanna
  • Publ Date: 2000-07-31
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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'.A passerby may marvel And admire my molded form. My every branch and twig and leaf Has learned how to conform.' Why are some medical students drawn to creative writing? What issues does this writing address and what needs fears and experiences does it give expression to? What can we learn about the future generation of physicians from examining their writing? Until now no systematic examination of the links between medical education the students their poetry and the meanings that can be gleaned from these writings has been published. In this comprehensive clearly argued book Shapiro explores contemporary academic thought on the topic and offers new insights on the medical education system. It is a critical appraisal which independently explores the positive and negative aspects of medical culture student life socialisation and learning through the unique expressive medium of medical student poetry. It sheds light on issues such as patient relationships that have become obscured over time and offers fresh insight on fundamental universal concerns such as mortality suffering acceptance and identity.
This book provides a practical comprehensive analysis of medical student poetry and is an invaluable resource for medical educators those with an interest in the medical humanities and medical students themselves.
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