Teaching in the Sciences

Teaching in the Sciences
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  • ISBN 9781560222637
  • Author: Taji, Acram
  • Publ Date: 2005-02-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Gain a clear understanding of what effective teachers do and how successful students learn Over the past 20 years, a greater concentration on research aimed at both teaching and learning has revealed that chalk and talk teaching, copying notes, and cookbook practical lessons offer little challenge to students. Teaching in the Sciences: Learner-Centered Approaches steers the learning process away from traditional modes of instruction to a more student-centered, activity-based curriculum that makes science relevant, engaging, and interesting. This innovative book helps educators bring out the best in their students and themselves by identifying and meeting students' needs and providing environments that encourage active, strategic learning. Helpful tables and figures make complex information easy to access and understand. Rather than focusing on teaching methods that merely deal in the content of life science, Teaching in the Sciences: Learner-Centered Approaches promotes a deep learning designed to develop critical and skilled learners.
This collection of frank and thoughtful empirically based papers places greater emphasis on learning environments and social interaction patterns, assessment processes, and perceptions of students and teachers in a range of learning and teaching settings in the life sciences. The book presents strategies for mentoring and assessing students, assessments of learning outcomes, innovative approaches to curriculum design, constructivist approaches to teaching science, how to use technology to support learning, and practical examples of learner-centered teaching that mark important steps on a journey to transform the learning process.
Teaching in the Sciences: Learner-Centered Approaches examines: using broadband videoconferencing for distance learning in tertiary science assessing for learning in the crucial first year of university studies using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in molecular science applying ICT to provide student feedback teaching biostatistics in the environmental life sciences developing metacognition and problem-solving skills in students the evolution of metAHEAD, an online resource that supports strategy development and self-monitoring in problem solving the development of a problem-based learning approach (PBL) for students in environmental science and natural resource management and much more!While largely centered on the context of undergraduate science instruction, Teaching in the Sciences: Learner-Centered Approaches is filled with valuable lessons for all educators working with students in the pursuit of powerful, effective, and lasting learning.
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