Student Success in the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA)

  • ISBN 9781846199783
  • Author: Savickas, Vilius ; Kayya
  • Publ Date: 2013-10-31
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Student Success in the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) is a two-hour open-book online examination which comprises eight sections incorporating eight main types of questions. The questions are structured around clinical case-based scenarios, requiring a holistic approach to analysing information and identifying suitable treatments. It examines the skills, judgement and supporting knowledge related to prescribing medicines in the NHS, including expertise in prescription review, planning management, communicating information, calculation skills, adverse drug reactions, drug monitoring and data interpretation. Student Success in the Prescribing Safety Assessment is specifically designed around the structure of the examination to meet the professional needs of candidates as well as the prescribing competencies outlined by the GMC. With 150 case-based scenarios, the book helps candidates: . Understand the questioning techniques used during the assessment . Appreciate the principles used in clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care . Develop the skills and knowledge required to conduct an effective clinical review of a patient's pharmaceutical care . Enhance their knowledge of clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics . Improve their prescribing clinical decision-making skills . Enhance their ability to extract correct clinical information from the BNF in a timely fashion . Become familiar with the main evidence-based prescribing guidelines and prescribing information . Prescribe safely, appropriately and cost-effectively This unique revision guide thoroughly prepares all candidates undertaking the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA). It is ideal for enhancing knowledge, building confidence and preparing for examination conditions and expectations.
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