• ISBN 9780781763622
  • Author: SWANSON
  • Publ Date: 2007-07-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Multiple copy pack

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Completely revised by new authors, the "Underground Clinical Vignettes Step 1 Bundle, Fifth Edition" consists of nine books dedicated to clinical vignettes in all subjects tested on the "USMLE Step 1: "Anatomy Behavioral Science"; "Biochemistry Microbiology I" (Virology, Immunology, Parasitology, Mycology); "Microbiology II" (Bacteriology); "Pathophysiology I" (Pulmonary, Ob/Gyn, ENT, Hem/Onc); "Pathophysiology II" (GI, Neurology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology); "Pathophysiology III" (CV, Dermatology, GU, Orthopedics, General Surgery, Peds); and, "Pharmacology". Each book presents 100 patient cases designed specifically to prepare students for clinical vignettes on the USMLE Step 1. Each case proceeds from chief complaint through diagnostic workup and treatment and includes buzzwords in history taking, physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging, and pathology. The Fifth Edition cases give greater emphasis to pathogenesis, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, management, and complications and include radiologic images, photographs, tables, and algorithms.
A new two-page format encourages students to read the case presentation and formulate an initial diagnosis before turning the page for the answer. Each book ends with twenty all-new board-format questions and answers. If you buy the 9 books together as a bundle, you'll save approximately 20 per cent and get free access to an online question bank on thePoint, including all the questions from the 9 print books plus 20 additional new questions per volume, for a total of over 350 questions-the same number as the actual USMLE Step 1 exam.
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