Opiate Receptors, Neurotransmitters, and Drug Dependence

  • ISBN 9780866561037
  • Author: Stimmel, Barry
  • Publ Date: 1981-01-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Experts address the role of neuromodulators and opiate receptors in alcohol and drug dependence. They present innovative research techniques, new discoveries, and possible clinical correlates that allow for a much greater understanding of the clinical phenomena surrounding alcohol and narcotic use. Included in this thought-provoking volume are a comprehensive review of the current knowledge of the endogenous opiates, their interactions with the opiate receptors, and the potential relationship that these substances might have in promoting the development of dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal; the translation of the basic physiologic findings occuring during withdrawal to treatment of withdrawal symptoms in the clinical setting; and a physiological explanation for the rationale of using clonidine and naltrexone to accelaerate the detoxification process without undue discomfort.
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