Neurology and Pregnancy

  • ISBN 9781138372474
  • Author: Marsh, Michael S.
  • Publ Date: 2018-09-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Pregnancy complicated by neurological disorders is a challenging area for both obstetricians and neurologists. Treatment of the maternal condition often needs to be adjusted because of concerns for the fetus, and some conditions have a major impact on the method, mode, and timing of delivery. Many of the clinical problems that arise in pregnant women with a neurological disease have not been the subject of clinical trials, so management must often be based on what published evidence is available and a good understanding of the likely interactions between the condition and pregnancy and vice versa.

The editors and contributors represent a team with considerable experience in this area. They offer their "best practice" advice as how to treat the mother effectively, ensuring fetal safety, as well as embracing a philosophy that the pregnancy of a woman with a neurological disease should be made as enjoyable and rewarding for her as is possible.
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