Essentials in Total Hip Arthroplasty

  • ISBN 9781556428708
  • Author: Parvizi, Javad | Klatt, Brian||
  • Publ Date: 2013-02-25
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Essentials in Total Hip Arthroplasty by Dr. Javad Parvizi is a succinct, yet comprehensive text that provides a unique and colorful look into the world of total hip arthroplasty, an in-depth history of this common procedure, as well as strategies to treat and prevent complications.

Inside you will find information on:
* Patient selection
* Preoperative templating
* Surgical techniques
* Relevant anesthesia and pain management
* Postoperative rehabilitation
* Strategies for minimization of complications
* Relevant figures and diagrams
* And much more

Essentials in Total Hip Arthroplasty is unique in its format to provide basic and detailed information on total hip arthroplasty from A to Z with descriptive, easy-to-read text and extensive visual elements, such as charts and tables.

With total hip arthroplasty being the most successful and popular procedure and each chapter being written by both a resident and an attending, Essentials in Total Hip Arthroplasty will be the essential "go-to" text for residents, fellows, physical therapists, students, and junior attendings involved with all matters related to the procedure.
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