Essential Social Psychology

  • ISBN 9781526402622
  • Author: Crisp, Richard J.
  • Publ Date: 2020-05-09
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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From aggression to altruism, prejudice to persuasion, Essential Social Psychology 4e introduces students to the classic studies, the controversial debates and innovative research that define social psychology today.

It gives students what they need to know about the key areas of social psychology whilst also demonstrating its relevance to current, real world events. New to this edition:

Coverage of social neuroscience
Inclusion of evolutionary psychology
'Back to the Real World' boxes which situate academic findings in the real life context of the world around you

Online there are resources for students which create a complete learning experience to help students build confidence and apply their knowledge successfully in assignments and exams. You'll also find teaching materials to help every week which can be easily incorporated into your VLE.

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