Dental Photography in Practice

  • ISBN 9781909836921
  • Author: Gordon, Peter
  • Publ Date: 2020-11-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Dental photography is an essential part of modern dental practice. Whilst in previous years, a single lens reflex camera was the typical means to obtain dental images, nowadays, digital photographs are an invaluable asset for case documentation, analysis, and aesthetic treatment planning, forming an indispensable basis for effective communication with patients and the dental laboratory.

This book is a practical guide to clinical dental photography using a digital single-lens camera (DSLR).

Beginning with an introduction to the DSLR camera, the next chapters cover the macro lens, lighting systems and setting up the camera for clinical use. The following sections discuss accessories and compare the different lighting systems for photography of the teeth and face.

Compiled by a recognised, UK-based dental surgeon, this book is highly illustrated with nearly 500 clinical photographs and figures.

Key points

Practical guide to clinical dental photography using a digital single-lens camera
Covers all aspects of the camera, accessories and lighting systems
Recognised, UK-based author
Highly illustrated with nearly 500 clinical photographs and figures
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