Liver Transplantation: Clinical Assessment and Management

  • ISBN 9781118277386
  • Author: James Neuberger
  • Publ Date: 2013-10-04
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Liver Transplantation: Clinical Assessment and
Management is the perfect tool for all gastroenterologists,
hepatologists and transplant surgeons managing patients with liver
disease awaiting and undergoing transplantation.

Led by James Neuberger, world experts in hepatology and
transplantation provide a chronological, step-by-step
approach to best clinical management and patient care.

Evidence-based throughout and with reference to the very latest
practice guidelines from major societies such as EASL and AASLD,
the book covers:

When to refer a patient for liver transplantation

Selection, assessment and management on the list

Transplantation for acute liver failure

Donation and allocation

Care of the liver transplant recipient

80 high definition videos of transplant surgery allow you to
watch the experts in action and provide an outstanding visual
and teaching element. In addition, key points, potential
pitfalls, management algorithms, and useful weblinks all help
ensure rapid reference browsing.

If you're managing patients requiring a liver transplant, this
multimedia resource will save you time and effort by putting
essential information within easy reach.
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