Case Files Surgery, Sixth Edition

  • ISBN 9781260468809
  • Author: Toy, Eugene
  • Publ Date: 2021-11-05
  • Edition: 6
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Real-life cases sharpen your critical thinking skills for your clerkship and the shelf exam

The 60 cases in Case Files: Surgery feature realistic clinical scenarios designed to help you enhance and hone your clinical decision-making skills. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and Board-style review questions to reinforce learning. The format allows you to review a patient vignette and then explore/examine the case in a contextual, application-based manner. The book is ideal for both quick-access and slow and careful study.

Realistic cases are accompanied by questions that encourage you to think through the differential diagnosis and treatment options
Real-life surgery cases with high-yield discussions aligned to clerkship guidelines
USMLE-style review questions and clinical pearls accompany each case
Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like an experienced doctor
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