Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: From Diagnosis to Treatment

  • ISBN 9798886973334
  • Author: Alqahtani, Jaber S
  • Publ Date: 2022-12-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (often known as COPD) is a respiratory disease that affects more than 400 million people worldwide. In 2019, COPD was responsible for 3.23 million deaths globally. This makes COPD the third greatest cause of mortality worldwide. People with COPD frequently experience increasing levels of breathlessness as the disease advances. This can cause a significant financial burden due to the limitations on workplace and home productivity, and costs of medical treatment. Therefore, delivering comprehensive management for people living with COPD is important to lessen such a burden. This book intends to provide comprehensive expert review chapters on the most significant aspects in the management of COPD from diagnosis to treatment through clear insights and explanations. It offers thorough evaluations that provide clinicians involved in COPD management at all levels with a brief, all-encompassing reference to symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. This book covers four major areas in COPD management, including disease physiology and pathophysiology, diagnosis tools, disease burden, and management of stable and non-stable COPD.
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