Health Promotion and Health Education in Nursing

  • ISBN 9781529752960
  • Author: Cross, Ruth
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Health promotion is a core nursing topic and for the past decade, as a nurse, you will be spending more time and energy in the community, doing preventative work and helping to rebalance services away from hospitals. You are expected to 'Make Every Contact Count' and look for opportunities to encourage healthier behaviours and lifestyles each time you engage with an individual. The recent Coronavirus epidemic has brought public health and health promotion activities even more sharply into the spotlight and this has made a huge impact on the work you do.

This book focuses on health education - this is the core health promotion work that you will do on a daily basis and it is ideal for those studying at Masters level. It takes an international approach, with Ruth Cross being extremely experienced with a proven track record in the health promotion community.

This book includes:

Explanations of the theory and context of health promotion and health education
International content from people in the field including Norway, Australia and Ghana
'Tutorial Triggers', 'Points to Ponder' and 'Time to Reflect' features, encouraging you to apply the chapter content to your practice
Real-life examples across the lifespan and in a range of different settings
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