Fix IT

  • ISBN 9780198861270
  • Author: THIMBLEBY
  • Publ Date: 2021-12-31
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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New technologies like AI, medical apps and implants seem very exciting but they too often have bugs and are susceptible to cyberattacks. Even well-established technologies like infusion pumps, pacemakers and radiotherapy aren't immune.Until digital healthcare improves, digital risk means that patients may be harmed unnecessarily, and healthcare staff will continue to be blamed for problems when it's not their fault.This
book tells stories of widespread problems with digital healthcare. The stories inspire and challenge anyone who wants to make hospitals and healthcare better. The stories and their resolutions will
empower patients, clinical staff and digital developers to help transform digital healthcare to make it safer and more effective. This book is not just about the bugs and cybersecurity threats that affect digital healthcare. More importantly, it's about the solutions that can make digital healthcare much safer.
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