Organ Preservation and Transplant Surgery

  • ISBN 9781841841281
  • Author: Dubernard, Jean-Michel
  • Publ Date: 2003-03-27
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This new book, edited by internationally renowned specialists, also pools the experience of consultants from both Europe and the US. It is divided into three main sections: Organ Preservation, Organ Harvesting and Surgical Techniques. Many different organs are profiled, including the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, intestine and bowel. The various aspects of preservation are discussed including cooling and preservation solutions, which are of special interest as researchers are actively exploring the composition of those solutions. Longer term preservation of the heart is still an unsolved problem and this is considered, as well as the pros and cons of organ donation from live or cadaveric donors. Fully referenced and illustrated with over 50 line drawings, Organ Preservation and Transplant Surgery will be of particular interest to those involved in the often complex surgery of organ harvesting or trainees in transplantation surgery. It gives clear accounts of techniques and a detailed update in the underlying science that determines and currently limits organ storage.
It will also prove invaluable to the younger researcher who needs a clearer understanding of the scientific basis of organ preservation and the clinical need for better organ preservation.
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