Advanced Musculoskeletal MR Imaging, An

  • ISBN 9780323641616
  • Author: Costa, Domingues
  • Publ Date: 2018-11-16
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This issue of MRI Clinics of North America focuses on Advanced Musculoskeletal MR Imaging, and is edited by Drs. Roberto Domingues and Flavia Martins Costa. Articles will include: Quantitative Whole Body MRI; Multiparametric Bone Marrow Imaging; MET-RADS-P in Practice; Whole Body MRI Beyond Oncology; Whole Body Imaging in Multiple Myeloma; MRI Neurography in Musculoskeletal Disorders; MR Imaging in Rheumatology; Multiparametric MRI of Soft Tissue Tumors and Pseudotumors; Multiparametric MRI of Benign and Malignant Bone Tumors; MR Imaging of Fetal Musculoskeletal Disorders; MRI at Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games: Our Experience using State-of-the-art 3.0 T and 1.5 T Wide-bore MRI Scanners in High Performance Athletes; Ultrasound and Advanced MRI Fusion for Musculoskeletal Tumors Biopsy; and more!
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