Osces Made Easy: A Guide For Medical Students And Junior Doctors

  • ISBN 9781800612037
  • Author: Kapp, Joshua Rainer (University Of Zurich, Switzer
  • Publ Date: 2023-05-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $144.00
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OSCEs Made Easy is tailored for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate medical trainees. It is a practical guide on how to prepare rigorously and systematically for OSCEs, and to secure yourself a high scoring result. A compilation of personal revision notes, combined with stories about what worked well, the objective of this book is to provide every final year medical student with the information we wish we had known going into OSCE revision. For what it is worth, all of us contributing to this book passed the OSCEs with distinctions!This book is not just an exam crammer. It is also an excellent resource for the first years on the clinical wards challenged by a complex patient on the cardiology ward, or for those who forgot how to properly examine a patient with a neurological complaint in the emergency room. The reader of this book will be provided with the resources to take a focused history, perform a proper examination, prescribe and do basic procedures.
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