Imaging of the Athlete, An issue of

  • ISBN 9780323462662
  • Author: Adam Zoga
  • Publ Date: 2016-08-23
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America focuses on Imaging of the Athlete, and is edited by Drs. Adam Zoga and Johannes Roedl. Articles will include: The Thrower's Shoulder; Multimodality Imaging and Imaging Guided Therapy for the Painful Elbow; The Skeletally Immature and Newly Mature Throwing Athlete; Imaging Throwing Injuries Beyond the Shoulder and Elbow; Imaging Adductor Injury and "The Inguinal Disruption"; Image Guided Core Intervention and Postop Imaging; Core Injuries Remote from the Pubic Symphysis; MRI and MR Arthrography of the Hip; Knee Meniscus Biomechanics and Microinstability; Imaging Turf Toe and Traumatic Forefoot Injury; Imaging the Postoperative Knee; The Hindfoot Arch: What Role does the Imager Play?; Using Imaging to Determine Return to Play; and more!
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