Coding with Modifiers

  • ISBN 9781640160378
  • Author: Linker, Robin L.
  • Publ Date: 2020-06-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Modifiers create clear, concise communications between the provider and payer, and are essential to the coding process. Coding with Modifiers, 6th Edition provides guidance on how and when to use modifiers to avoid costly payment delay and denials.NEW in the sixth edition:

A Documentation and Other Considerations section at the end of every chapter to highlight important clinical documentation improvements for each modifier as well as how to apply each modifier in auditing, and analytics, etc. In addition, multiple new features, such as Alert/Advice Notes, Coding Tips, Definitions, various types of end-of-chapter exercises, such as multiple choice, true/false, provide modifier, case studies, and Internet-based exercises, were added to reinforce best practices and enrich learning and teaching experience. Improved, robust instructor resources. The updated and robust learning pedagogy and teaching ancillaries will help increase learning and usage of CPT (R) and HCPCS modifiers.


Fully updated for 2020 code set
Clinical examples used throughout every chapter for every modifier to show how a modifier should be reported and the rationale for using each modifier.
New CPT (R) and HCPCS modifiers (includes code-set changes in an electronic Addendum, available Spring 2021)
New logic trees in Appendix C
Summary review of modifier usage checklist at the end of each chapter


Advice/Alert Note
Coding Tips, Third-Party Coding Tips, CMS Coding Tips, Documentation Alert Tip
30 review exercises for each chapter to test understanding and application of content, including multiple choice, true/false, fill in blanks, case studies, and internet-based exercises
Definitions of key terms
Instructor materials, including PowerPoint slides, test bank, and instructor manual
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