Molecular Diagnostics

  • ISBN 9780198777069
  • Author: Warford, Anthony (Emeritus Fellow, Department of B
  • Publ Date: 2019-03-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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One of the most notable trends in biomedical science in recent years has been the increasing use of molecular techniques as part of the diagnosis of disease. As such, there is a growing need for students to understand the technological basis of molecular analysis and to have a comprehensive appreciation of their use in diagnosis.Combining coverage of molecular techniques with their application to diagnostic pathology, Molecular Diagnostics provides students with a thorough and up to date appreciation of the scope of molecular analysis, the principles of the technology used, and thematic diagnostic application.As part of the Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series, the book provides a unique blend of theory and practice, featuring a range of learning features to help students assimilate the information presented quickly and effectively. It will be relevant to undergraduate students on a wide variety of biomedical pathways, cutting across traditional discipline boundaries to provide a unified overview of molecular diagnostics.KEY FEATURESA blend of science theory and biomedical science practice make this series ideal for those seeking both the knowledge and skills to become proficient Biomedical Scientists.Case studies enrich the text and emphasise clinical relevance.Self-test and discussion questions, with answers provided online, encourage students to analyze the text and develop their problem solving skills.This title is available as an eBook. Visit VitalSource for more information or to purchase.
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