General Practice--Demanding Work

  • ISBN 9781857754476
  • Author: Waller, John
  • Publ Date: 2015-10-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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General practitioners are moving into a more central and accountable role in managing NHS resources. To achieve this they need to monitor understand and plan the everyday services they offer. This book shows the reader how. It provides insights and practical suggestions on how demand can be met effectively and efficiently. It shows how to improve service provision and guidance is given on how to reduce the stressful working conditions of GPs nurses and other practice staff. Illustrated with charts and graphs and tips it provides new and relevant data in an easy to understand and accessible format. All members of the practice team especially GPs GP registrars and NHS managers and those undertaking research in or about primary care will find it essential reading.
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