Career Options in General Practice

  • ISBN 9781857756012
  • Author: Aquino, Peter
  • Publ Date: 2015-10-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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With the government trying to bring more work into primary care the creation of the GP With a Special Interest and the newer salaried posts doctors may feel bewildered by the sheer choice facing them. Becoming involved in academia education writing secondary care work outside agency work wanting to be a partner salaried or work flexible hours - how do you negotiate these many choices? This useful guide aims to help highlighting the options available for newly qualified GPs helping them to decide which direction they want to take and also provides ideas for those already established within primary care looking for fresh directions within the profession and beyond. This book also explains what the specialty is all about for those who are contemplating becoming part of it. Training and newly qualified general practitioners general practitioners who are looking for a new challenge medical students and junior doctors will all find this book valuable reading. 'In my opinion the authors have successfully produced an informed career guide with case histories different perspectives and advice in addition to important information. So delve in.
I am sure that you will find what you are looking for.' Rhona McDonald Editor Career Focus BMJ Careers
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