Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nurs 11E

  • ISBN 9780323683227
  • Author: Hockenberry,Rodgers,Wilson
  • Publ Date: 2021-05-10
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Electronic book text

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NEW! Next Generation NCLEX(R)-style case studies and questions are included in the text and on the companion Evolve website.
NEW! Pediatric Quality Indicator boxes present a bigger picture of hospitals and how they look at quality and safety.
NEW! Applying Evidence to Practice boxes outline up-to-date procedures to reinforce best practices.
NEW! Concept lists have been added to the beginning of chapters to aid programs using a concept-based curriculum.
NEW! Separate chapter on cancer focuses on best-practices within this specialized area of pediatric care.
NEW! Expanded information on the Zika virus ensures you are grounded in the latest evidence-based information.
NEW! Updated genetics content keeps you up to date in this always evolving area of medicine.
NEW! Expanded content on the different roles in pediatric nursing reflect nursing responsibilities and the most common pediatric nursing subsets utilized in practice today.
UPDATED! Content on autism spectrum disorders has been updated to keep you in the know on the latest practice standards used in this rapidly expanding area of pediatric care.
NEW! Information on Narcan reinforces how to properly apply the injection.
UPDATED! Translating Evidence into Practice boxes have been updated to focus attention on application of both research and critical thought processes to support and guide the outcomes of nursing care.
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