Ultrasound Guided Procedures and Radiologic Imaging

  • ISBN 9780190081416
  • Author: CLEBONE
  • Publ Date: 2020-05-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Ultrasound Guided Procedures and Radiologic Imaging for Pediatric Anesthesiologists is intended as a ready resource for both experts and novices. It will be useful to both those with extensive training and experience as well as beginners and those with distant experience or training. A wealth of knowledge in the human factors of procedure design and use has been applied throughout to ensure that desired information can be easily located, that steps are clearly
identified and comprehensible, and that additional information of high relevance to procedure completion is co-located and salient.This book begins with the basics, but quickly
progresses to advanced skill sets. It is divided into four parts. Part I starts with a primer on ultrasound machine functionality as well as procedural chapters on lung ultrasound to detect a mainstem intubation or pneumothorax, and gastric ultrasound to assess gastric contents in incompletely fasted patients. Part II covers ultrasound guided peripheral intravenous line placement through the 'incremental advancement' method, ultrasound guided arterial line placement, and ultrasound guided
central line placement. Part III details several ultrasound guided regional anesthesia techniques. Part IV covers radiology of the pediatric airway and mediastinum, lungs, gastrointestinal, genitourinary,
musculoskeletal, neurologic systems.
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