Trauma Intensive Care

  • ISBN 9780199777709
  • Author: TISHERMAN
  • Publ Date: 2013-07-25
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Management of critically-ill trauma patients presents multiple challenges that are unique to this patient population. Optimal management of the trauma patient requires establishing priorities of care, minimizing complications, and striving to return the trauma victim to the best possible functional outcome. Yet, most books devoted to trauma focus on prehospital care, the initial assessment of trauma patients, and operative management of specific injuries. Part of
the Pittsburgh Critical Care Medicine series, this book will help intensivisits involved in the care of trauma patients implement best care practices for trauma victims in the intensive care unit.
Chapters address issues such as: management priorities for trauma patients in the ICU, the use of monitors and drains in trauma patients, resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock, massive transfusions and coagulopathy, ventilator management of trauma patients including patients with chest trauma, as well as management ICU strategies and solutions for specific types of trauma, including traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and burn management.
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